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Integration Hub

A solution to software overwhelm

An optional add-on to the RAMP Platform or a stand-alone service. Live project information from multiple softwares gathered into a single place.

Illustration of a man sitting in front of a laptop computer with images of software screens surrounding him from behind.

Get Started with Integration Hub

Initial Set-Up Cost
Set-up pricing is dependent upon number of integrated softwares and automations.
plus sign icon
Integration Hub


per user/month/
connected software
billed annually
$5 monthly

So many possibilities

Integration Hub supports integrations across a huge range of software.

Quickbooks icon
Streak icon
Click Up Icon
Dropbox icon
Google drive icon
Box icon
Xero icon
Trello icon
Hubspot icon

And many, many more...

Bring on the benefits

A module for entering project data, with three arrows projecting connecting it to icons of different business softwares.
Reduce redundant data entry

Enter the information in once, have it go to all of your other tools. Watch the number data entry errors and inconsistencies drop drastically.

Create a single point of data access

Every module for an integration includes clearly visible, easy to find links. Making access to all your different tools only a single click away.

Preview of a link to external software on the Integration Hub
A cropped image of the landing page of the Integration Hub showing different software connection statuses.
Identify missing connections

With a rapid glance, pick out any projects that have not yet been connected to your software tools. Once you find missing connections, fixing the problem is only a button click away.

Increase project data visibility

Often the information you want is hidden under layers of menus or options. Choose what data you most want to see and display it front and center.

A cropped shot of different modules in the Integration Hub
Remove data siloing problems

Get project information across company teams. Any staff member can see the data collected in an external software without needing to have their own sign-in and access to that tool. PMs can get all the data from sales teams, accounting staff, and more without having to send emails or make phone calls!

Headings of different software types that can be potentially connected to Integration Hub.